MY mission is to provide my prestigious community with the latest updates on real estate in Dubai, offering clear and precise information. This helps avoid sensationalist news from biased pages or agents whose sole interest is personal gain, thus distorting information about the market.

Be always informed about the market situation.

Is the market crashing? You will be the first one knowing it.

Always updated.

Take advance being the first one if a DD comes to the market.

What You Will Get From Me

  • Save Thousand Of Hours of Your Life. All in One PDF
  • Be the first one knowing the latest transactions in your building.
  • Monthly Market Report with Historical Transactions.
  • Price Tiers (AED) Monthly Comparison.
  • Highest Record Sales Of The Month.
  • Lowest Record Sale Of The Month.
  • Dynamic Price Index.

Why You Need To Hire Bryan Bay

Unlike others, i don’t need to create ”business accounts” to hide who i am to offer my services, what you see on my social media, it’s what i am.

With me, you can avoid confusion caused by misleading messages from some unprofessional agents who try to manipulate the market for their own benefit.

& MOST IMPORTANT. I will tell you what you NEED to hear, not what you WANT to hear.

if you want the best, better call Bryan Bay.

What Your Can Get From Bryan Bay

Monthly Market Reports

Price growth surges to its highest rate since May 2023 as fresh, modern off-plan developments start to transform the landscape of various communities throughout Dubai.

Monthly Market Report May 204 →

Golden Visa Applications

Real estate investors owning a property for 2 million AED can apply for a 10-years renewable residence permit. The husband or wife, children and parents can be sponsored.

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Buy, Sell in UAE

Contact me now & i will guide you in the most professional manner for a successful and smooth transaction, maintaining honesty and integrity at every step.

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